Elliott showed me how to start a blog within Squarespace as well as how to create blog categories for the four items we discussed in the previous meeting. I had difficulties adjusting the layout for the blog to my preference and reached out to Elliott as I needed extra support. He showed me an easy way of customizing the blog which was very beneficial for the outcome of the task I was given. I also started working on the Fabric Display section and was advised to use text and images from one of Signature Printing’s partners as a starter. I successfully integrated a gallery block and arranged the items in an appealing way which later on received positive feedback from Mark and Elliott. The other sections were going to be filled out with more content at a later stage as Laura was still working on it.
We looked into the history section which Mark had some ideas about. Initially, Mark gave me a list of topics that pinpoint important events in the history of printing. I incorporated CSS effects that ended up as a nice addition and make the content more interactive. I also suggested to Mark and Elliott that including a timeline would enhance the presentation of the historical events. I was given time to do research on whether that is possible on Squarespace and if it was – what is the best way to implement a timeline
I spent some time at home researching timeline solutions for Squarespace. At the time there were no options to embed a timeline relying entirely on the platform. Instead, I figured that there were other alternatives that rely on CSS & HTML (in some instances javascript too) that could possibly work within Squarespace. I also did some research on how to make a timeline responsive and easily adapting to other devices. At the end I came up with a selection of code segments that would later on be tested and analyzed in depth.
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