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Showing posts from December, 2017

Squarespace Blog and Timeline

Elliott showed me how to start a blog within Squarespace as well as how to create blog categories for the four items we discussed in the previous meeting. I had difficulties adjusting the layout for the blog to my preference and reached out to Elliott as I needed extra support. He showed me an easy way of customizing the blog which was very beneficial for the outcome of the task I was given. I also started working on the Fabric Display section and was advised to use text and images from one of Signature Printing’s partners as a starter. I successfully integrated a gallery block and arranged the items in an appealing way which later on received positive feedback from Mark and Elliott. The other sections were going to be filled out with more content at a later stage as Laura was still working on it. We looked into the history section which Mark had some ideas about. Initially, Mark gave me a list of topics that pinpoint important events in the history of printing. I incorporated CS...

Signature Printing: Next Steps

During my next few meetings at the Bate Brand office Elliott asked me if I can start working on the footer section of Signature Printing as at that point we pretty much had most of the content for the homepage. All images were in place, the layout was approved and the animation that I had implemented was working well. Where text content was needed, I put placeholder text which would later on be changed by Bate Brand’s copywriter – Laura. For the footer I attempted adding a contact form, subscribe button and a small text box that contains address details and contact number. Mark then joined in and showed me how to customize the fields in the contact form and how to display a response message. Up to that point I and the rest of the team were pleased with the homepage. Subsequently, we decided that it was time to think about the rest of the sections in the main menu. I looked into other printing and print consultancy related websites’ navigation ideas more extensively and came up w...

Proceeding with the prototype for Signature Printing

After taking into account the comments about my mockup design, I proceeded with implementing it onto the template. Elliott and I discussed the nature of the visuals that I needed in order to create a functional and realistic prototype. He suggested that for the time being I can use Adobe Stock images after showing me how to browse and download them. For the homepage, I used two images from Adobe and one from a free stock gallery website. For the Case Studies section I explained that it would be best to put images that represent Signature Printing’s work for three of their clients. Elliott gave me access to Bate Brand’s Client Work database which contained high quality PSDs of magazines/catalogues in the right format. I exported them to Photoshop and created a web compatible version of the visuals which I assumed would look presentable on the webpage. For the purpose of making the homepage more dynamic, I went back to the tutorial that Elliott showed me about CSS animations in ...

Feedback for the mockup for Signature Printing

Mark and Elliott sat with me and gave me feedback on the design choices I made for the homepage of the website. Both sides were happy with including a fixed height parallax slideshow in the intro section. However, I had already tried putting a slideshow but unfortunately Squarespace’s functionality for the template only allowed a full screen background as a main section of the homepage.  We concluded that one background image with appropriate text will be enough to get across the main point of Signature Printing and decided to go for this approach. Also, Elliott suggested that the logo should be positioned on the left side and the navigation on the right rather than having both in the middle. This is a more traditional way of arranging the header but it looked better on this template. Regarding the services section, we discussed that we do not need icons to represent each service that Signature Printing provides. Mark emphasized on the fact that print consultancy is th...